Sealcoating is an excellent first-time business. You're off to a good start if you already have a reliable work truck and local contacts. In this article, we'll go over the fundamentals of seal coating, as well as the tools and materials you'll need. We also provide some seal coating recommendations.
Sealcoating is the process of adding a liquid substance to asphalt in order to preserve it from the environment and extend its lifespan. Sealcoat can be applied with a squeegee or sprayed on. Sand or another aggregate (such as gravel or crushed rock) is usually mixed into the seal coat to fill in tiny gaps, give the surface a uniform look, and offer traction.
The first step is to speak with people in the sector and conduct your research. Various industry groups and business directories include a wealth of information. Attend pavement trade shows and communicate with seal coaters and suppliers.
After determining the sustainability of the business, conduct market research in the region you intend to serve, including demographics, income levels, average house, business prices, and the present amount and quality of available service. The majority of the information may be found on the internet, through local commerce, or in trade journals.
After you've established the potential, the following step is to contact a seal coat manufacturer in your area. It is critical to know if you will have any limits in servicing the targeted region, depending on the size of your intended firm.
Prepare a well-thought-out business plan with a five-year revenue, cost, and income forecast. For specific actual pricing figures, you'll need to consult your seal coating provider. They may also assist you with overall workforce planning, facility requirements, and direct and indirect overheads. In addition to material costs, the direct labor cost, or how many crews and workers per crew you'll need to seal coat (crack fill, stripe, etc.), the total desired market share is an essential line item in Pro-forma estimates. Your projections and calculations must be as accurate as possible.
There will be a lot of components that you'll need to fit together objectively. Be objective when estimating the market share you'll be able to obtain in the following years. Pay attention, but don't be fooled by your suppliers' grandiose projections.
Also, be honest with yourself and resist the urge to believe that everything will fall into place as you go. The figures must now match up in order to estimate that the firm will expand and produce the bottom-line numbers that will keep the business afloat. Remember that if the statistics make sense on paper, you'll have a decent chance of success. Your business plan is the blueprint for your company; it's a crucial document that will come in handy when dealing with banks, investors, and vendors.
Sealcoating's Importance
Solving a customer's problem is at the heart of each service sale. Sealcoating has several advantages that many clients will appreciate, including:
UV Protection For Asphalt
Allow car fluids and moisture from rain and snow to avoid permeating the asphalt.
Fills In Blemishes On The Surface
Preventative maintenance is performed to extend the life of the asphalt.
Makes old asphalt appear like it's fresh new.
Snow will melt more quickly on asphalt that has been seal coated.
Sealcoating asphalt regularly is less expensive and less intrusive than replacing it or making significant repairs.
Equipment For Sealcoating
Sealing equipment is available in a variety of sizes, ranging from minor to extremely big. The amount of gallons the tank stores, its size, and its weight are all critical considerations. You must be able to transport the equipment to the location. Small seal coating tasks may be completed by hand using a squeegee. Only time and a strong back are required. Most individuals will be able to achieve more chores if they start with smaller, less expensive equipment. Here are some examples of seal coating gear.
Sealcoating Tote Spray System From NAC Supply
This seal coating technology is designed for applications that aren't too big. It has a tank capacity of 275 gallons. It can, however, only apply sealer without sand. It will, of course, limit the sorts of seal coating projects you may take on. It's a low-cost way to get started in the industry, for $1,575.
Parking Lot Packages From Asphalt King Contractors
Asphalt King offers solutions to help you get started on modest residential and commercial projects. A walk-behind leaf blower for surface prep, a crack filling machine, an AK230 spray system, and a pallet of coal tar sealer are all included in their Silver Package. A hose reel and a seal coat edger are available as options. A 230-gallon tank covers 20,000 square feet on the AK230 seal coating machine. It may be loaded onto a 1-tonne truck or Trailer. With free shipping, packages start at $8,242.
SR-700 Trailer From Seal-Rite
Seal-Rite offers a variety of commercial models for professionals. The steel tank on their SR-700 Trailer is 700 gallons. Just add the sealer, and you're ready to go.
You'll need to perform some preliminary research before establishing any business. What kinds of occupations do you think you'll be able to do? What will you require and how much will it cost? Is it possible for you to obtain funding? What is the maximum amount you may charge? How long will it take you to break even? Keep in mind that you'll need a dependable vehicle to transport the equipment. What strategy will you use to attract customers? Most companies expect you to sell your products or services. You'll need to do more than publish a classified ad in the local paper. Look into AngiesList, ThumbTack, and Yelp, which are all local internet service platforms. The Small Company Administration (SBA) may assist you with essential business planning as well as possible funding options.
Final Thoughts
With a dependable vehicle and some essential equipment, you may get into the seal coating industry. Start small unless you have ties with large, commercial clientele. Residential clients' driveways are a fantastic location to start. If you want to practice on your own, ask a friend or family member to be a guinea pig. It is preferable to work for free on the first couple of tasks in order to get experience. Then go off and be the finest seal coater you can be.